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  Focusing on Word, Worship, and Friendship  

Why Small Groups?


Sunday morning worship is an important part of what we do but it can't be all that we do. Small groups are a way for us to us experience and live out much of what the New Testament expects for Christian community. We also know that life is meant to be shared and so we hope that small groups add a richness to our lives and to the lives of those we gather with that we might otherwise not experience. 


How do I find a Small Group That's Right for Me?


When it comes to small groups, we all come with some idea of what we're expecting, what we're wanting to get out of it, and what we're able to put into it. As a result, we've focused on building up two different small group experiences: Connect Groups and Community Groups. 


What's a Connect Group? 


Connect Groups are seven weeks long and their primary purpose is to help people make connections as well as to provide a place for our people to flesh out a variety of biblical teaching with one another. Connect Groups take place in the Fall, Winter, and Spring.


They're perfect for people who...


- are new to the church

- are looking to connect with new people 

- have unpredictable or fluctuating schedules


What's a Community Group? 


The primary purpose of Community Groups is to help believers to experience what Christian Community could be. Community Groups meet weekly for the year and take Rests during the Summer and around major holidays.


Even though Jesus had a "small group" of 12 disciples - they certainly didn't call themselves a Community Group and their time together didn't always look like what you might find in a Community Group. 


So why Community Groups? Simply put, they provide an opportunity and a framework for us to regularly experience Christian Community in a way that we probably otherwise wouldn't.


Consider Paul's picture of the Church in 1 Corinthians 14:26: 


"What then shall we say, brothers and sisters? When you come together, each of you has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. Everything must be done so that the church may be built up."


When Paul saw the Church gathering in homes, he saw something that can't be achieved during Sunday morning worship. He saw everyone bringing something to the table. He saw something similar to what we strive for in Community Groups. 


Consider Peter's picture of the Church in 1 Peter 4:10:


"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms."

Peter wants us to see that God has given us grace for the express purpose of stewarding it to others. In other words, when we're not intentionally involved in serving and loving one another, it's possible that we're withholding God's grace from others. 


If you want to take your faith to the next level,
we'd love to talk to you about Community Groups. 


Core Values:

Love & Growth


Our small group ministry has three core values which dictate everything that we do. Each value was the result of thoughtful and theological concern for effective and practical discipleship.


Watch this video to find out more: 

Sermons About Small Group Ministry 

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