How the Bible Frees Women
The Wesleyan Church has always been a denomination that believes that men and women are equal and should partner together at home, in society and the Church. We believe this because of what the Bible says, not despite it. Not everyone agrees, so we are taking the time dive into Scripture and tradition to show how we come to the conclusion that the Bible does not restrict women, but frees them to be all God created them to be. We will also add bonus content on our podcast. Just search "Waite Park Church" on your podcast app.
November 5th, 2023 // Kory Kleinsasser
This message dives into the creation story which shows us that God's intent for men and women was mutual partnership and how patriarchy was not God's design, but the result of sin entering the world.
November 12th, 2023 // Kory Kleinsasser
In this message, Pastor Kory walks through 1 Timothy, chapter 2 to show how Timothy's context helps us better understand the (sometimes strange) advice the Apostle Paul gives to Timothy. Women will be saved through childbearing? Really? This better be good!
November 19th, 2023 // Dr. JoAnne Lyon
This week, our special guest, Dr. JoAnne Lyon shares with us about how three women from the Wesleyan movement, empowered by the Holy Spirit, made a difference for the Kingdom of God.
November 26th, 2023 // Pastor Abby Burg
In the final message in this series, Pastor Abby highlights the life and ministry of three women mentioned by the Apostle Paul in Romans 16, showing that God has called and empowered both men and women to be agents of the Gospel.