We don't care who you voted for, how many tattoos you have, or what your favorite beverage is. You're welcome here. We are a multi-generational church family that pursues life, growth and serving our neighborhood together.
Sometimes it helps to know what you're getting into. So we'll try our best to give you a good idea of what you can expect.
When should I get there?
Whenever works best for you. Some people come right at 10AM when service starts, others come earlier or later. We have coffee and gathering space to meet others before and after our service.​
What should I expect?
We sing a mix of contemporary and hymn worship. We love Jesus and believe in the importance of biblical preaching. We value that we get to be a part of God's church and we want to take that calling seriously. We also collect an offering almost every Sunday morning as an act of worship for our members to participate in - we don't expect new people to give but certainly want to provide an opportunity for everyone to participate meaningfully in the life of the church.
How do I learn more?
Our Sunday bulletins have information on upcoming events and how to get involved as well as a guest card. You're welcome to fill it out and drop it off at our Connection Station table. Don't worry - we won't add you to any mailing lists. We would love to have coffee, get to know you, and answer any questions that you have about us.
What about my kids?
Our kids are a precious gift to our church family. We have an awesome team of volunteers that pour into our kids each week and safety and security protocols in place to ensure they experience God in a safe and loving environment. Nursery care is available for little ones ages 0-23 months throughout the entire service while kids ages 2 to 5th grade join us for our multi-generational family worship before being dismissed to their KidsPark classes. For more information on your ministries to kids and resources available for parents, learn more here.
If you're interested in trying out KidsPark with your kids, pre-registering will make checking in on Sunday morning a breeze and helps us adhere to our child safety procedures.
How can I watch a service?
Many of our newer people visit us online before ever stepping foot in our church. Check out our previous sermons and resources on our website or catch our latest services on Facebook or Youtube at 10am every Sunday. We would love to "meet" you in the comments section during the Livestream, but you can also just watch and worship along with us.
We look forward to connecting with you!