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Join us for a morning workshop:

How to Grow a Connected Family

Saturday, October 12th from 9-11 am
Cost: $10/person or $15/couple
Childcare available

Great families aren’t perfect – but they’re authentic, well-connected and growing in faith. In this workshop you’ll learn a framework of four timeless biblical principles for building strong relationships and anchoring your family in God’s grace and truth. Don’t wait for the storms of life or the strong currents of cultural influence to shipwreck your family. You can become an insightful, proactive parent, despite today’s frantic pace. Parents consistently tell us these four principles stick with them for years and change the course of their family forever.

Speaker Bio: Chad Hayenga


Chad Hayenga has spent over 25 years ministering to kids and families as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Certified Life Coach, and speaker. He has been married for more than 25 years and has three daughters. Chad loves asking significant questions, bringing God’s grace and truth to life, and helping parents have “aha moments” in coaching sessions and workshops. He has helped thousands of parents learn to be more peaceful, purposeful, and confident.


To learn more about Connected Families, click here.

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