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The Confident Witness
"You will be my witnesses . . ." Acts 1:8
Most Christians know we are called to be Jesus' witnesses, yet few do it. And there are many reasons why?
They don't feel confident.
They don't know how.
They don't like knocking on doors or talking to people they don't know.
They believe people today aren't interested in Jesus.
We will learn how to overcome the hurdles people have to following Jesus.
Most importantly, we'll practice. It's not as difficult as you might think.
Our focus seasons are a time for our whole church to make a concerted effort to take what we talk about on Sunday mornings and further explore those ideas throughout the week on our own and in our small groups.
Week 1: Taken By The Gospel
Sunday Sermon:
Taken by the Gospel - Kory Kleinsasser
00:00 / 00:00
Additional Resources:
I Once Was Lost by Don Everts
Questioning Evangelism by Randy Newman
Week 2: Building Trust
Week 3: Sparking Curiosity
Additional Resources:
Overcome Barriers to Listening Podcast
The Lost Art of Listening by Michael Nicols
Week 4: Open to Change
Additional Resources:
Tactics by Gregory Koukl
Stand to Reason Podcast & Resources
Week 5: Seeking After God
Sunday Sermon:
Seeking After God - Bill Robertson
00:00 / 00:00
Additional Resources:
The Bible Project
“The Reason for God” by Tim Keller
“Making Sense of God” by Tim Keller
“Mere Christianity” C.S. Lewis
“Mere Evangelism” by Randy Newman
“Evangelism in a Skeptical World” by Sam Chan
“The Case for Faith” by Lee Strobel
Basic Christianity by John Stott
What Is the Gospel? by Greg Gilbert
Week 6: Entering the Kingdom
Sunday Sermon:
How it Works - Kory Kleinsasser
00:00 / 00:00
Additional Resources:
Listen with the Heart
How to Share your Faith
Week 7: Living in the Kingdom
Sunday Sermon:
Living in the Kingdom - Abby Burg
00:00 / 00:00
Additional Resources:
What is a testimony?
Tips for Sharing Your Testimony
Being Made New
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